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Website design in Andorra

Logo de La Vall Associats de l'àrea d'Informàtica i comunicació

The importance of having a website

Creating a website nowadays is nearly an obligation. But it is also true that having an abandoned website is unwise for your business. It is best not to have a website if it’s going to be in poor condition. A website is the showcase of your company and therefore, in the eyes of a potential customer, a reflection of your corporate image. Can you imagine the window of a clothing store with broken pieces, holes or a mannequin simply unclothed? It’s difficult to imagine, isn’t it? Well, your website should receive the same attention.

A modern website, useful and functional

Creating a modern, useful and functional website for visitors doesn’t always mean spending a lot of money. In La Vall Associats we have a clear idea of what concepts a website must respond to:

  • It must be modern and visual
  • With quality content and well structured
  • And easy to navigate for the visitor

Ultimately, your website should have a structure focused on three very important areas: DESIGN, USER EXPERIENCE and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION.

Website structure: design, user experience and optimization.

your website should have a structure focused on three very important areas: design, user experience and SEO

A website must catch your attention, be modern and have an attractive design. Equally important is the internal link structure. That is, how the user jumps from one thing to another. It is important to consider this point, as it will allow the customer to find what it wants as soon as possible. Finally, it is highly recommended to optimize the website so you can reach top ranks of search engines. There is little point having a website if you are not able to reach your potential audience.


Website design adapted for mobile devices (web responsive)

Smartphones are becoming more advanced, the screen size has increased considerably making it more user-friendly, connections are better, mobile handsets are faster, etc. On the whole, this has made mobile traffic volume skyrocket in recent years. In addition, Google has announced that all those websites that are not adapted for mobile devices will lose points in the ranking of search engines when these types of devices perform searches. In La Vall Associats we work with programming systems that take into account this criterion. Make your website in Andorra make a difference!

We also carry out mobile SEO so that your website meets the criteria for a good positioning through mobile devices.

Advantages of being web responsive:

  • Easier to navigate.
  • More comfortable for the user.
  • Better image for the company.
  • Greater effectiveness in finding what you want.
  • More effective analysis of Google robots.

Ultimately, IMPROVED USER EXPERIENCE. And this can only translate into good results for the company.

Website design adapted for mobile devices (Web Responsive)

Website design adapted for mobile devices improves the user experience.



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