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SEO in Andorra and positioning of websites

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SEO in Andorra and positioning of websites in Google

The positioning of websites (SEO) consists in applying all actions aimed at improving the position or result obtained in search engines, in order to achieve an organic or natural positioning in Google when the user enters certain keywords. There are two ways of achieving this positioning:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Organic positioning is achieved through the quality of the content and optimization of the website, designed to provide a good experience using different techniques. This type of SEO is highly recommended because it lasts through time and it is more consistent and user friendly.
  • SEM: Search engine marketing strategies aimed at attracting visitors to the website through pay per click or pay per visit advertising. It refers to the advertisements that we can see on Google (Google Adwords).
SEO i posicionament web a Andorra

SEO in Andorra and positioning of websites.

How to achieve a good SEO positioning on Google?

To position a website naturally is not an easy task since a series of actions are required within the website itself (Onpage) as well as outside the website (Offpage). But once the goal is achieved, you and your company will notice the difference. Companies that appear well positioned in search engines have more advantages as they receive better click-through rates (CTR). One thing must be kept in mind, there is no point positioning a website without quality content. The first step is to explain what you do and how you do it. Google must understand what the website is about, if there is no content it won’t be possible. For this reason, SEO in Andorra is important because it allows you to stand out.

What are Google robots?

Google robots are the‘security guards’of a discotheque. The watchmen. Those who decide who will be in the top positions of Google and who won’t. It is highly recommendable to be advised by an expert in positioning strategies. Why? Over the years, the robots of Google that analyse web pages (Google Panda, Google Penguin, Google Pigeon, etc.) are becoming more‘human’and nowadays are able to detect, without too much difficulty, all those actions designed to trick search engines. If these robots of Google catch you, you are penalised and you disappear from the search engine during quite a while. The old way of using the same keyword a number of times is a thing of the past. It is now much more than that.

Our services

  • SEO for Google.
  • SEO for Youtube.
  • Local SEO.
  • Onpage optimization of websites.
  • Offpage optimization.
  • Optimization of the content of a website.
  • Google My Business.
  • Study of keywords.
  • User Experience and accessibility optimization.
  • Google adwords.
  • Mobile SEO.
  • E-commerce optimization.
  • Responsive web design.

Successful examples of optimization

In this video you can find examples of successful optimization of websites on Google.



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