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Management of social networks in Andorra

Logo de La Vall Associats de l'àrea d'Informàtica i comunicació

Management of social networks

If the boom of websites reached its height at the beginning of the twenty-first century, social networks have experienced a tremendous growth in recent years. Many companies and freelancers have seen in the social media, a fantastic opportunity to reach their potential audience with a relatively low investment. Especially in relation to the potential impact it can generate.

Importance of the use of social networks

Having a presence on social networks is as important as knowing how to manage them. Among many other aspects, special care must be given to the wording, not making mistakes, giving the correct message based on you potential audience, using quality images, respecting a frequency, etc. All these elements can make a user notice your company, or not.

Having a presence on social networks is as important as knowing how to manage them.

Having a presence on social networks is as important as knowing how to manage them.

Advantage of social networks

In some ways, social networks have democratized communication and publicity. There are known cases where some very small companies have achieved great impact with a very small investment, thanks to a powerful message, original and able to awaken the interest of people.

Social networks...

  • Help give more and better information on what you do.
  • Help reach a wide audience.
  • Feedback with the client.
  • Give a faster response to the client.
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